Thursday, June 27, 2019

Avocet is Protecting Her Babies

Mama avocet is protecting her babies, spreading her wings wide and making a warning call. 

At first, I didn't understand why sometimes avocet was spreading her wings wide and showing how big and powerful she was.

It took a while to realize that the bird was protecting her babies who were probably somewhere close. 

Standing tall and looking bigger.

As soon as I realized what is going on I walked very carefully away from this place.  Hopefully, I didn't stress the bird too much.


  1. A wonderful series of images, Kaya. You really do have a way of capturing extremely interesting aspects of bird behaviour, and your pictures are crisp, clear, well-defined and very pleasing to the eye. Well done!


  2. Hello, great pictures, amazing and beautiful is this bird

  3. The first photo is an excellent ballet moment!

  4. Son extraordinarias las fotos que has tomado. A igual que los seres humanos, ella se afana por proteger sus crías.


  5. Klasse Bilder von dem Vogel.


  6. Precioso reportaje de la mama avoceta. Las mamás son así. Una defiende a sus polluelos aparentado ser más grandes de lo que son y otras armando unas escandaleras tremendas con su pios, como la mirla de mis últimas fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  7. It would seem protection of the young is a universal trait among mothers and it is entertaining to see young "critters" when they think they are hidden, but actually are not. Your photographs are excellent, Kaya. I like the first one best, but would prefer to see it cropped a bit differently if possible.

  8. Buena nitidez en el ave y unos buenos desenfoque de fondo hacen que estas fotografías destaquen por su calidad, Kaya, buen seguimiento de la avoceta mama.


  9. nice article my friend..
    please visit my blog too

  10. I am sure the kids were very close in the grass.

  11. Una preciosa secuencia de fotografías en la que nos muestras como el ave trata de dar la sensación de que es más grande y poderosa de lo que en realidad es. Todo con tal de asustar a los visitantes y poner a salvo a sus crías.
    Un abrazo,

  12. these pics are beautiful - especially that first one.

  13. captured the bird while spreading wing... great job.
    Love the first photo.
