Friday, March 20, 2020


The male Red-winged Blackbirds can be very aggressive while displaying their territory.  This male Blackbird wasn't nicely perching on the reeds, he was showing others that this was his territory and he will fight for it fearlessly.

He constantly was spreading his wings, his voice was loud and at some point he started to look mean. 

Looks like Batman.

The female Blackbirds are also aggressive in the spring when they compete with other females for a good nesting territory and their fights can be very violent.

Stay safe and take care of each other. 


  1. Master of the world, looking at what's down with pride.

  2. Defiende bien el territorio, con su agresividad.

    Han sido muy oportuna estas fotos.


  3. La supervivencia es la que manda. Tienen que conquistar territorio y conseguir una pareja con la que preservar la especia. El reportaje excelente.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Hola Kaya. Como siempre tus fotos espectaculares, me encanta ver su cara de mal humor. Yo desconocía esta ave hasta hace poco que la vi en el blog de nuestro amigo David(Travels with Birds) me pareció fascinante ya que los de aquí son negros y poco llamativos. Un abrazo.

  5. Replies
    1. Cao, the females didn't arrive yet but they will join soon the males.

  6. "Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war ...."

    Absolutely great photographs, Kaya ....

  7. Que buenas capturas, Kaya, estuviste muy oportuna y en el momento exacto.

