Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tundra Swans Lifting Off from Bear River

Last Wednesday was a very special day. I watched two Sandhill Cranes performing their courtship dance and I finally was able to photograph Tundra Swans who rested from their migration and started to explore different parts of Bear River. 

I didn't know that before the Tundra Swans will take off they need a long, open "runway". 

The Tundra swans run fast with their wings flapping.

They are almost ready to take off, their feet hardly touching the ground. Soon they will tuck their feet under their tales and start to fly but it will be a low flight and then they will be flying high in the sky. 

In a few weeks Tundra Swans leave Bear River MBR heading north to mate, breed and raise their youngs. I wish they would stay longer at Bear River. I will miss them. 


  1. the strength of the headwind makes it easier to fly.

  2. Hello Kaya,
    So funny how you've caught these swans in these pictures. They are half walk and half fly, so nice!!
    Wonderful with their spread wings and the reflection in the water. A great photo moment, that you took nicely.

    Have a nice weekend,

  3. A beautiful ballet of birds. A natural world.

  4. Verlos en moivimiento, es una maravilla.

    El agua, parece un espejo, reflejando su imagen.


  5. Espectaculo maravilloso Kaya. Son unas fotos espectaculares. Besos.

  6. Precioso el reportaje. Las fotos son estupendas con esos bonitos reflejos en el agua. Parece como si estuvieran danzando.
    Un abrazo.

  7. I did not know swans required a bit of a distance for takeoff, either. When I think of waterfowl, I visualize "puddle ducks" going straight up whether on land or on water.

    Excellent series, Kaya .... I prefer the third shot because the birds seem more in unison -- more like dancers ....

  8. Buenas capturas, Kaya, con los oportunos reflejos en el agua de los cisnes. Bien hecho.


  9. Bellisimas imagenes, amiga... Pura delicadeza
    Un abrazo

  10. beautiful photos!! Darn i need a photo safari with you, lol.

  11. Como los aviones, necesitan una largo espacio y una esforzada carrera para alzar el vuelo. Bien documentado ese despegue.
    Un abrazo,

  12. Querida Kaya.
    Que esvoaçares deslumbrantes.
    Um abraço florido.
    Megy Maia

  13. beautiful white Tundra Swans...
    hope, they return back to Bear river with their Youngs
