Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dark Morph Swaison's Hawk During His Meal and After

Today I met the darkest Hawk I have ever seen. He was busy eating a mouse on a poll not paying attention to what was happening around. 

Being able to photograph and watch this Hawk was a real treat for me. I will remember our encounter for the rest of my life. 

The poll was surrounded by the barbed wire and I was worried that the Hawk might hurt himself but he was very careful.

It seems that keeping his right leg up helps with some balance.

After the Hawk finished his meal, he finally gave me a long and not friendly look.  

The Hawk is preparing for taking off. 

His wings surprisingly look small but it's an illusion. 


Well, in the picture above I cut the Hawk's wings. That is no, no for bird photography but I like this shot. I like how his legs hanging down and his wings up, how intensive his eyes are. 

The Dark Morph Swainson's Hawks are handsome birds, they migrate to Northern Utah from South America for their breeding season that already started.


  1. These photos are spectacular Kaya!!!
    I am so happy that the Hawk didn't injure it's self on the barbed wire.
    Hugs and Stay Safe 🌷🐦🌻

  2. Excellent shot of hawk when his right leg up to help his balance....
    love all photos.

    Have a wonderful weekend

  3. Unas imagenes realmente espectaculares... Mi felicitacion, amiga
    Un abrazo

  4. I applaud your photography, Kaya / admire the hawk / feel sympathy for the mouse ....

  5. He is happy.
    Strong, pleasant photos.

  6. Una suerte encontrarlo en un posadero tan definido como ese poste de la cerca, te ha permitido hacer unas fotos muy especiales. Es realmente oscuro su color.
    Un abrazo y salud.

  7. Con tan suculenta comida, ¿ como iba a estar pendiente de lo que pasa a su alrededor?

    Una vez satisfecho su apetito, ya ha reparado en la persona que lleva la cámara. Es hora de levantar el vuelo.

    Has tenedo una suerte tremenda, al poder capturar tan hermosas imágenes.


  8. Espectacular reportaje del halcón. Y una a una las fotografías son excelentes, sobre todo la última en la que el halcón inicia el vuelo mostrando toda su fortaleza.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  9. I've been here before but did not comment. This time, I just had to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I came over from Tanza's introduce myself and say hi.

    Your photos are majestic and your blog is so inspiring…I love, love, love it! You have done a wonderful job with it. Thank you for sharing this inspiration.

    Wishing you all the best!

  10. Wow - ...these are amazing photos - you captured all this so well!!

  11. Estupendo reportaje fotográfico del Halcón, Kaya, tomas muy oportunas y muy bien realizadas.


  12. Wow!

    What a spectacular series of photographs, I loved every one of them :)

    All the best Jan
