Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains - III. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

Meeting the Hummingbirds high in the mountains was a wonderful surprise.  I used to see Hummingbirds in our local park during June/July, they were feasting on the red flowers (Hummingbirds are attracted to red) but never expected to see these birds in the mountains.

Hummingbirds are extraordinary creatures. They are the smallest of birds.  

During two days I only watched Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and wasn't able to take photos because these birds were too tiny. Last Sunday I could approach them a little closer,  I even had a chance to choose a better background. 

I photographed this Hummingbird against the rocky mountains and got this nice pinkish background. 

Common Paintbrushes are desert flowers.  There were a few of them hiding behind sage bushes.  I found them very beautiful.

Another Ruby-throated Hummingbird is perching on the dry branch.

Male Hummingbirds have throat patches (gorgets) of bright beautiful colors like ruby, amethyst and sapphire. Males use their gorgets to attract females.

Hummingbirds lay the smallest egg of all birds. They also the only birds that can fly backwards and beat their wings faster than any other bird. The Hummingbirds have short legs and can't walk, only to perch on the trees.


  1. There are rare birds like this.
    The photos have a sensational background through uniformity.

  2. Oh Kaya...these precious little jewels are so gorgeous!!!

    Hugs and thank you for sharing 💮

  3. Una belleza el colibrí, Kaya, los desenfoques de fondo son muy buenos.


  4. Llama la atención, la largura de su pico, en proporción de su pequeño cuerpo.

    Los fondos diguminados, hacen destacar la belleza del colibrí.


  5. Muy bonitas todas las fotografías con esos tonos suaves de los fondos. Yo pensaba que los colibríes eran aves más propias de los climas tropicales.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  6. I cannot recall ever seeing a hummingbird "parked" before. Nice work, Kaya ....

  7. Love your hummingbird photographs and the dessert flower is lovely, what an amazing colour.

    All the best Jan

  8. Buen reportaje con esta selectas imágenes Saludos

  9. Какая прелесть!!!

  10. Te felicito y te doy mi enhorabuena por esas magníficas fotografías del colibrí. Yo, hasta el presente, pese a que me he encontrado muchas veces con ellos en Perú, no he sido capaz de hacer una fotografía que valga la pena mínimamente debido a su pequeño tamaño y a la velocidad con la que se mueven. Nunca los he encontrado posados.
    Un abrazo y cuídese.

  11. My next camera I hope will be a really good one - ...these are so clear and beautiful!
