Monday, May 11, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains -V. Black-headed Grosbeak

Two days ago just before I reached the canyon on the Bonneville Shoreline trail I noticed an interesting bird perching on a tall shrub with beautiful white flowers.  It's appeared to be a Black-headed Grosbeak.

The Grosbeak was backlit. You can see how his beak is a little bit transparent. From time to time he was singing his song and it was so nice to listen.

Then I saw an almost golden tree.  The sun was rising higher over the Wasatch Mountains and backlit this tree making part of it wonderfully gold. That was a very beautiful effect.

The Grosbeak is enjoying the sun on the Mallow-leaved Ninebark

If you bike or hike any canyon trail in the Wasatch you will see some of these large shrubs that have nice white flowers that bloom in the spring.

On my way back I saw beautiful yellow flowers with large shiny green leaves. These flowers prefer open spots in the mountains, usually near sagebrushes. I learned recently their name, Mulesears.

Once upon a time I bought a book "Wasatch Wildflowers by Steve Hegji. I looked through it a few times and the book was forgotten. Who knew that one day I would open it again trying to identify the wildflowers I see during my hikes. 


  1. oh, oh !!! un feu d’artifices !!!

  2. Que bello poder verlos con detalle, en ese contexto de explosion de vida y color
    Un abrazo, amiga

  3. El picogrueso es un pájaro muy bonito , Kaya, le hiciste unas estupendas fotografías, al igual que a esas bellas flores amarillas que te encontraste por el camino, el amarillo no es fácil de fotografiar y a ti te quedo genial.


  4. El pájaro se ha situado en un árbol cuajado de preciosas flores. Hoy hemos podido disfrutar además de las aves de la hermosa naturaleza, con su explosión de colores.


  5. Golden tree, beautiful bird and its sinning....magical moment, magical photos. I was imagine myself in such amazing scenery. :))))
    How are you dear Kaya? I wish you all the best, hugs. :)))

  6. Unas fotos de naturaleza magníficas como solo una buena conocedora como usted puede captar. Me encanta ese pájaro con su fuerte y poderoso pico.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  7. Que maravilloso lugar Kaya me encanta y me encanta esta ave, es la primera vez que la veo. Espectaculares tus fotos. Besos y mucha salud.

  8. Bellísimo Kaya y rscucharlo habrá sido un placer. La tercera foto me encanta.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Extraño pájaro que tiene una cara como si estuviera enfadado. Que placer pasear entre esa maravillas de la naturaleza.
    Un abrazo y cuidate

  10. this was a treat - all this beauty!! love those flowers that bloom near sage.

  11. Love the birds and blooms.
    Wonderful colour in each of these four photographs.
    Nature is so beautiful.

    All the best Jan
