Sunday, May 24, 2020

Spring in the Wasatch Mountains -VII.

After two days of rain the mountains are wonderfully green and air is so fresh. 

When the sun is behind the trees they look transparent and almost golden.

I see often Lazily Buntings in the Mountains perching in the open spaces. They usually prefer the high dry branches where they can sing to other birds their wonderful songs.

Mallow-leaved nine bark is in a full bloom.

Yellow, green and brown. I found this combination of colors interesting.

Chokecherry is a small tree and is welcome addition to the canyons.

The clusters of Mallow-leaved nine bark are so gentle and fragrant.


  1. A beautiful, warm spring.
    The singing bird is in an incredible moment!

  2. wow such beauty and that beautiful bird - lazuli bunting - use to have them in a different mountain area where we lived but none of them come here. Wonderful to see that photo of one.

  3. Such beauty …
    Your photographs are fabulous.

    All the best Jan

  4. La lluvia y la s temperaturas primaverales, ha hcho brotar esa floración, que tan maravillosas se ve en las fotos, sin olvidar la belleza de ese pájaro que está en la rama y de sus hermosos colores.

    Nada es comparable con la belleza de la naturaleza y que además es gratuita.


  5. Hmmm... the fragrances are getting through. Thank you.

  6. El verde y las flores se van imponiendo en el paisaje. Precioso ese pajarillo encaramado en su rama entonando su canción.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  7. Bellas imágenes, Kaya, donde la presencia de la primavera se hace patente.

