Friday, May 15, 2020

Swainson's Hawk is Taking Flight

It started this morning in the same fashion like one week ago. There were a few different hawks perching on the signposts but most of them weren't very cooperative until I met this Swainson's Hawk. 

After watching for a while the Hawks I noticed that I can predict sometimes their behavior, their moves and the moment when they take off but it doesn't happen often.

Thus, this Hawk before taking off bent forward slightly his body lifting his wings up that's when I knew that in a few seconds he would take flight.

And he took flight with a Barn Swallow who decided to follow him for a while. That was so unusual and exciting.

After the Hawk took flight he lifted his wings slightly up and his head almost sank into his wings.

Wings up!  A classic moment of flight! 

Staying calm helped to capture this moment when the Hawk headed into the desert.


  1. Those Hawks may have given you a hard time Kaya but your captured their beauty with your obvious talent with the camera and you patience... gorgeous!!!

    Hugs 🌲☕🌞

  2. What you are discovering is true of any bird and any animal. The more time you spend observing them, the more you learn about them -- both individually and as a group. And, I might add, the more you learn about yourself, as well.

    Outstanding photographs, Kaya. Patience, practice and natural talent combine to sharpen your skills.

  3. Oh WOW Kaya, your photos are absolutely beautiful, really awesome! You are so talented and you do such a wonderful job on all your photo projects. I love these photos! Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

    Wishing you a great weekend!

  4. the little bird chasing 😉 the hawk seems to be a Barn Swallow, Hirundo rustica erythrogaster, is it not ?

    1. Cão, you are right!!! it's a Barn Swallow. There are a lot of them and other swallows at Bear River right now.
      Thank you!

  5. Tanto tiempo observando, que ya te anticipas a sus movimientos.

    Son de mucha calidad las fotografías.


  6. Impressive, strong, beautiful!

  7. you have a lot of patience and focus to catch these different phases. Love the photos and that last one is beautiful. I wonder how many hawks are in my area that I've never seen. This is a new one to me.

  8. Excelente secuencia del vuelo del halcón. Mucha paciencia has tenido que tener para lograr tan buenas capturas. La foto con la golondrina es muy buena.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  9. Estupendas y bonitas tomas del halcón en vuelo, Kaya, y la segunda foto con la golondrina todo una pasada de buena.


  10. Oh Kaya, these are stunning photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. Bellisimos instantes, amiga... Me encanta ver como los has captado, casi levitando
    Un abrazo

  12. Una maravillosa serie la del vuelo del halcón. Esa segunda fotografía en la que vuela acompañado por un golondrina es una auténtica delicia visual.
    Un abrazo y salud,
