Thursday, August 27, 2020

In the Wasatch Mountains -II. Turkey Vulture

Turkey Vulture?  In the mountains?  I certainly wasn't prepared to see this bird there and at the beginning mistook it for a Hawk.

I didn't have my telephoto lens with me and thought what I can do about this encounter.  Not much but... when the Turkey Vulture flew along the rocky mountains I took a few shots.  Here is one of them.

To my surprise the Vulture returned back and was soaring a few times over my head, not very close but close enough to take this photo.

In early July I saw a Ground Squirrel there and this morning hiked to this place hoping that a Squirrel will be there inside the cave of rock but a cave was dark and empty.  Instead I watched and photographed the Turkey Vulture.

Generally, life is good!