Saturday, December 11, 2021

Winter Has Come - I.

Wood duck.

This morning was frigid cold.  All the inhabitants of our local pond have forgotten for a while that they are pretty territorial and gathered on a small icy island surrounded by water.  Winter has come, harsh and snowy.

Mallard ducks.

Canada Goose.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Your photographs illustrate perfectly why waterfowl absolutely are my favorite birds. They are the ultimate patterns of grace and beauty and toughness ....

  2. Как все продумано в природе. Все красивые, а деревянная утка модница. Долго рассматривала ее крыло. Кая, спасибо тебе за прекрасные снимки

  3. The color of the feathers makes them attractive. The movement makes them graceful.
    The spider on the previous page reached the top of the universe from his point of view.

  4. Empieza el frio del invierno, Kaya, menos mal que los pato están protegidos por su plumaje. Bonitas fotos.



  5. Quien deja de soñar no tiene esperanzas,
    quien no tiene esperanzas no puede forjar el futuro,
    quien no forja su futuro no disfruta la vida
    y quien no disfruta la vida, no conoce el amor
    por ello aquel que no conoce el amor, no puede soñar.

  6. No le temen al invierno y a su frío. Se ven contentos haciendo piruetas en el aire.


  7. Hello Kaya,
    What a great shots. So nice to see these wonderful ducks.
    It looks like they are dancing on the ice with those beautiful spread feathers. You have photograph nice moments of them. My compliments for these results.

    Many greetings, Marco

  8. Your "notes to self" are touching. May your path open up more beauty and wonderment with every step. For me that is what I love when out walking - never know what will inspire the heck out of me and encourage me to join with nature and know all really is well no matter what we "see" along the way in life.
