Sunday, June 19, 2022

Salty Sunday - I.


I do believe in luck and also believe that even the most not so great circumstances can in matter of seconds turn into a good luck. 

The muddiest area on Antelope Island usually harbor clouds of gnats especially when it's getting hot. That Sunday was breezy and gnats were not vicious.  It was luck. 

I greeted the breeze (didn't have a choice), the dense clouds and gnats and started to photograph a family of Avocets with their babies not expecting much.

The babies moved so easily in the muddy salty water but their mama was often sinking in the mud and then moved with lumps of mud stuck to her feet.

It's time to join mama and stay close to her.

The little ones wandered around but when mom decided it was time to leave this place and go in search of food elsewhere, they surrounded her like little fluffy balls and followed her relentlessly.

Generally, life is good!


  1. I'm just stopping by for my Sunday evening inspiration. I FOUND IT!!! The photos are awesome, as usual. Thank you for sharing the inspiration, it's just what I needed.

  2. Природа продумала все и человечеству нужно только не мешать ей, а наблюдать с любовью. Спасибо, Кая за отличные фото и историю.

  3. Preciosas y tiernas fotografías. La mamá cuidando sus polluelos y estos empezando a aprender a vivir la vida.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  4. Unas imagenes bellisimas, que despiden una ternura inmensa...
    Un abrazo, amiga

  5. You can't see me, lol..but I am clapping - beautiful photos!!

  6. The first steps in exploring the world.
