Thursday, September 7, 2023

Forster's Terns in Flight


Photographing Forster's Terns in flight is always a challenge that starts with a lot of blurry photos, cut off tails and wings of birds, but that morning was harder than usual because the Terns were fishing in the small backwater  surrounded by the tall phrags.  

On top of it all, when the birds were flying a little closer they immediately dived in the water after fish and became invisible.  But somehow I managed to get some decent photos after spending nearly an hour watching Forster's terns in their chaotic flies.


This moment was perhaps the best, because the Tern was quiet close.

This Tern fished successfully.  I was surprised by the large size of fish he caught.


Generally, life is good.


  1. Se lo dificíl que supone hacer una captura de un ave en vuelo. Lo intentado con las gaviotas y muchas veces no lo he logrado.
    Has tenido mucho éxito, con estas tomas. Me gusta el detalle del pez, en el pico de esta ave.
    Un abrazo

  2. Todas las fotos de la serie tienen su belleza. Ha merecido la pena tener paciencia.
    Un abrazo.

  3. They are happy. They were successful in fishing.
